LED Light Bulbs


LED light bulbs are a relatively new and excellent choice for your home lighting.  Not only are they more energy efficient than both CFL and incandescent bulbs, but they also contain no mercury and last much longer than both.  They can last up to 10 times longer than a CFL!  That’s a long time.  They are also durable, produce much less heat than alternatives, and are available in dimmable options.

LED light bulbs can be an excellent upgrade to anyone trying to be green, but they can be a bit pricey.  In the last few years as they have gained exposure, the price has dropped significantly and should continue to drop as they become more popular.


Tips when purchasing LED lightbulbs

  1. Buy quality name brand options.  You always get what you pay for and this is no exception.  Some of the cheaper no name brands have been known to burn out prematurely and you’ll end up replacing them way more often.
  2. Pay attention to light temperature.  Typically, warm lights are desired for accent lighting and cool lights are more practical for task lights or for work areas.
  3. Directional vs. 360 degree lighting.  Many led lights are directional and won’t give you the 360 degree lighting that an incandescent bulb will.
LED lightbulbs are ultimate in green lighting which is why HandyGreen Home Solutions LLC supports them.  If you’d like LED lighting installed in your home by a professional handyman, call HandyGreen today for a free quote.
Live Green.  Live Happy.
HandyGreen Home Solutions LLC